VemsTune/QuickStartAudi (2010-11-28 13:12:04)

Subpage of VemsTune

Example to upload project files that have been prepared (usually by the install supervisor or power-users)


The examples below were captured with VemsTune 2008-10-16 release. In 2010 vemstune these functions are available under File / Project. Namely

Experienced installers can prepare different settings for other engine family, with similar options like below.

Even if the software part of upload can be solved with a few clicks, the important safety measures still apply. Do not skip these (you might fill cylinders with fuel, blow ignition fuse, or worse...). Before firmware upgrade, always:

Project open + project config upload


The same procedure applies to 1.1.65 (or newer). If you upload an older config (1.1.27 in the examples) with recent VemsTune (2009-12 or later), it will automatically use "defaultfirmwareconfig/..." for any variable not found in the uploaded config. This "upgrade-feature" saves time: helps to get reasonable values in new tables (without extra steps). Note: it is recommended to review the tables and dialogs anyway.

IAC PID setting

Someone suggests on MembersPage/RanzAudi that "IAC pid D-term" appr 100 gives MUCH better behavior with the audi IAC PWM valve (and engine). The default setting (uploaded during the above steps) is IAC pid D < 35 so give it a try: bump it up as a test. Also give some feedback (here is OK). We'll make a much higher IAC pid D the default after some experimentation and feedback.

I use high D values for Vems idle since 1.1.27 era. For some reason D is far less sensitive than P and I. My usual D values are in 80...200 range. But P and I varies in 8...25 range - aprox ten times lower. MembersPage/GintsK

Create individual project file - for advanced users

The file is a simple XML format.

  1. Rename/Copy the original .vemsprj file.
  2. Open it with Your favorite XML editor.
  3. The structure is very simple/straightforward.