Race-Technology DASH2 related notes
In v3 fw the AIM must be enabled (in display settings), and the dash should be configured (perhaps reflashed, or fixed) to show the AIM values.
If in doubt, verify in terminalprogram (in 19200,8n1 by default) that the 5 byte AIM packets are sent correctly.
[race-technology] says "No ECU configuration required.". This is almost true, as AIM is normally enabled in v3 by default, but worths to check (especially if even TPS value does not change on the dash when it's changed in VEMS).
If the AIM stream is enabled in v3 config:
- V3 sends these data continuously (stream can be stopped by sending a valid command, eg. "Man"; autosending will be restarted at next reboot)
- the dash must be configured / reflashed / fixed to receive the AIM data and display it. The supplier/manufacturer of the dash can and will help
- plenty of devices can be connected to receive the same data stream (it's a 1-way stream, very convenient), eg. one or more [display-only round] and other AIM-receivers (same baudrate for all, obviously)
- v3 does not send the AIM stream, even if [AIM is enabled]
- TPS and some other (dozen) vars are displayed, but some very special values are not sent, or the unit has some mismatch, eg. 1/10 or *10 ... It happened earlier and we immediately reacted by fw change:
- v3 sent wheelspeed originally in 1km/h, changed to 0.1 km/h upon request, to be compatiblle not with the old specs (which had typo) but with actual receivers
Connection: DIRECT and MIDDLEMAN
- AIM Option ("DIRECT", better):
- Vems ECU ---> RS dash board
- Vems ECU can be configured to send realtime data in native AIM format. In this case there is no need for RS ECU interface.
- Any configuration in the dash ? Maybe "motec format" must be selected ? Please update this if you know (and note if you tested yourself or assume from some doc or gossip).
- More expensive "MIDDLEMAN" option via race-technology.com RS ECU interace
- Vems ECU => [RS ECU interface] => RS dash board
- NOTE: not necessary at all, wasn't ever justified (except maybe to sell +1 HW device )
- unfortunately the RS ECU interface originally was sold by race-technology.com in a never-tested non-working state
- Luckily field updatable: as far as we know race-technology.com provided, after severe pressure from our kind customers, a new firmware that just passes on the AIM packets to the dash and therefore make it work:
- but with the AIM interface the added interface-HW shouldn't be needed in the first place. race-technology.com provides the necessary firmware to any/all of their customers upon request (Unfortunately we don't have that firmware, but will happily link it here for your convenience if we get it).
OLD info (old investigation)
Some user reported that with the magic (unnecessary) middleman interface with factory race-tech firmware these vars displayed correctly:
- VBatt
Same user reported incorrectly displayed values:
- lambda, CLT, injpw, MAP, MAT
It seems that race-technology, instead of using data from the AIM stream, implemented querying some VEMS runtime-data (for displaying it)
- if they are reading the 56 byte sequence, the dash-implementation has some flaws (although they haven't asked about tech details, assumedly might have picked some old version from unknown source, the stream was extended in v3 firmware with the position of vars pinned down, never changed, especially base vars like TPS, MAP, RPM, VBATT ) for convenience of tuning-software ini-file maintenance.
- if using the 5-byte AIM protocol, than the set of sent values is likely to be incomplete
We are investigating the situation:
- possibly a workaround if the (old, but unchanged, still supported) "A" command 56byte sequence is used by the DASH-2 in a flawed way
- possibly making a proposal to race-technology (as other dash-manufacturers) to utilize the new triggerframe-format packets
VEMS-v3 settings:
- AIM protocol enabled (?)
- expecting 56 byte data via serial
- 19200 baud (default anyway)
Original report (Hungarian)
Vettem egy DASH2-s kijelzőt és egy ECU Interface-t hozzá kimondottan VEMS-hez.
Sajnos nem tökéletesen működik. Bizonyos adatokat jól jelez a kijelző, a többit pedig rosszul.
Elvileg az interface használatához
- be kell kapcsolni az AIM-protokollt
- ez 5byte-os AIM csomagok küldését jelenti
- 56 byte-os soros adatot vár
- ez fura. Ezt "A" paranccsal lehet lekérdezni (nem kell hozzá bekapcsolni semmit).
- az interface 19200 baud-al.
A kapott adatok közül az RPM, a Battery Voltage és a Throttle Percentage helyesen jelenik meg, a többinél teljesen rossz értékek vannak.
KONKRÉT példákat írj, mondjuk 5-10-et, amit meg szeretnél jeleníteni ! Tovbbá hogyan jelzi ki rosszul ? 0 ? 2-szer akkora ? 10-szer akkora ? összevissza változik ?
Álló motor esetén az alábbi adatokat jeleníti meg:
- Lambda 0,48 (ez járó motornál sem változik)
- CLT 23,2 (valós érték 14, a kijelzett érték növekszik a motor melegedésével)
- legalább 2 pont kellene, hogy lássuk, hogy az offset rossz, vagy a meredekség is
- MAT 22,1 (valós érték 12)
- Rosszul írtam, bocsi. Ez ráadásul nem is követi a melegedést.
- Boost 39700 mBar (valós érték 99 kPa)
- Injector 1 PW 1 mS (valós érték 1,6 mS ez járó motornál is mindig 1-et
A VEMS 1.1.96 szoftverrel fut.
In v3 fw the AIM must be enabled (in display settings), and the dash should be configured (perhaps reflashed, or fixed) to show the AIM values.