V3 display settings

Subpage of Outputs menu

Display settings

LCD Code Enabled in FW
Turns the LCD output off if you don't use it.

Default View Page
The default page is 0. It is a good option that shows the most general information in one page and is recommended for everyone.
Page descriptions: LCD pages

LCD Cable Length Delays
Try raising these values when you have signal problems with garbled characters on the display, this is a value from 0 (don't wait) up to 15 (the longest).

LCD Control

  • Busy Polling: Required to work with some displays.
  • Force goto after data: Required to work with some displays.
  • Reinitialize after startup: Resets the LCD after engine start. Could be required if low voltage during cranking resetted the display.
  • Page change button: When enabled allows page changing of LCD through a button/switch connected to Page change analog input. If unused, disable.
  • Page change analog input: Analog input the page change button is connect to.

Enable the internal LED, it is a heartbeat that only flashes when the firmware is up and running, and not in the boot loader mode, normally disabled.