MembersPage/RicoPL (2018-08-24 14:35:29)

get error : file "vems.hex" is missing.

duplicate from report:

Hello Rico_pl,

Upgrade to firmware higher than 1.2.11 requires bootloader upgrade,

please follow the procedures on:

Best regards, Dave

Thanks Dave, as I bought the car with VEMS unit (Escort Cosworth), I have set Trigger to "Lancia_cosworth".

My first error report shows I have trigger signals but RPM is 0 while cranking. Acc. to WIKI I should use firmware 1.2.26+.

Is this correct ? Or should it work also with 1.2.11 ?

I cannot see why RPM stays 0 while cranking. Fuel is injecting.

BR, Rico

Hello Rico,

To assist you in your startup/trigger debug, i would need the following:

Using these i can get a beter understanding of whats going on.

You can upload these files to the FileArea and link here or fire a sharing report (from VT) and link that. We'll work from there.

Best regards, Dave

Hi Dave,

here the link

BR Rico

Hello Rico,

I have reviewed your triggerlog and vemslog, this trigger type should work with special trigger type = Normal, Tdc after the trigger is likely to be around 60deg, use a timing light to verify and adjust.

I have attached a corrected config (having these suggested changes) to your sharing report.

Best regards, Dave

Thanks I will test this. But why is RPM =0 ?

I thought it triggers on TDC so 0 degree ?

BR, Rico