I use a datalogger and dash from the company Race Technology.
With which interface was it purchased ?
- VEMS firmware sends data via [AIM protocol], hundreds of [round] and [displayonly round] are configured to display data perfectly - latter has no sensor inputs of it's own, so it can only display data from this stream (including RPM, temps, etc...). So yes, same data as used by the Vems Round display.
- the scalers were made according to [AIM-protocol.pdf] with only minor corrections to match the Race-Tech Motec interface (which was found to deviate slightly from the protocol.pdf, eg wheelspeed 10x multiplier).
- The AIM-channels scalers for most common variables and units (eg MAP/kPa, MAP/psi) are self-documented and can be easily configured with the [wizard dialog] in the freely downloadable VemsTune (also documented in above protocol.pdf
- unfortunately Race Technology made an interface for VEMS which
- was completely unnecessary as the VEMS AIM stream => Racelogic motec interface was already implemented, tested and in use
- seems to not comply the [AIM-protocol.pdf] specs
- was unfortunately released by race-tech without any testing and sold, what they call as "interface for VEMS". It's sold by Race Technology (not even cheap) although it does not work:
- data displayed on the dash (AIM data from the vems to display RPM, temps, etc.) is all wrong, even if the data sent by VEMS complies the [AIM-protocol.pdf],
- One can easily verify that for example correct RPM value is sent by VEMS in channel 1 as in [AIM-protocol.pdf]. VEMS round displays it correctly (or any other device configured to display AIM channel1). Race Tech (if ordered with VEMS interface) displays incorrect value (and good value is displayed if ordered with Motec display).
- However Race Technology analysed my data which I had logged from the ECU, and they informed me that it's not the signal it was supposed to be.
- That is blabla without any information. Let's see the RPM example: Where EXACTLY do they expect RPM if not in AIM channel1 (as in the [MembersPage/NanassyPeter/AIM_support/AIM-ECU protocol.pdf AIM protocol.pdf] ?
Im running v3 firmware 1.1.96
Some of the channels within the AIM datasream are correct.
- TPS good (AIM channel 45)
- RPM (sent by VEMS in AIM channel 1) reads wrong on Race Tech (when ordered with what they call "VEMS interface")
- CLT (sent by VEMS in AIM channel 17) reads wrong on Race Tech
- MAT (sent by VEMS in AIM channel 97) reads wrong on Race Tech
order Race Tech with "Motec interface" (wether used for Motec or VEMS) not with what they call "VEMS interface" (because latter is sold by Race-Tech untested, and it does not work, and not needed anyway)