Round control loop

Subpage of Round

PID Control loops

  • The PID control loop feedback signal can be chosen from several input sources ( analog, temperature, rpm, lambda, etc).
  • The dialog is named "Boostcontrol" (after the first such application).
  • Round V1 has only 1 PWM output pin named "boost-out".
  • Round V2 has altogether 3 independent controllers, driving 3 independent PWM output (boost-out, PWM0 out, PWM4 out)
  • For PID controller settings see: Boost/Idle/Lambda settings
  • Example Nr.:1 : Woodgas temperature control on Egt input
    • The target parameters : 650 Celsius -> 95%PWM duty cycle, 700Celsius -> 80% DC with 33 seconds period time, minimum DC is 80% maximum DC is 100%
    • Steps:
      1. Choose control unit: PWM 0,4 have configurable period, use PWM0
      2. Limit Duty cycle: set PWM0 min and max duty
      3. Select input source: Egt target
      4. Set target, reference DC and PID parameters
      5. Set Period time (note: PWM DC refresh on period ends)
  • Example Nr.:2 : Woodgas temperature control on Analog input
    • The target parameters : 650 Celsius -> 5%PWM duty cycle, 700Celsius -> 15% DC with 33seconds period time, minimum DC is 0% maximum DC is 20%
    • note: this example is the same as above with different hardware settings
    • Steps:
      1. Need hardware converter from temperature sensor to analog ( Egt amplifier ) -> 650C -> 2.71V ; 700C -> 2.91V
      2. Choose control unit: PWM 0,4 have configurable period, use PWM4
      3. Limit Duty cycle: set PWM4 min and max duty
      4. Select input source: Analog 2 target
      5. Set target, reference DC and PID parameters
      6. Set analog 2 input curve and analog input calibration, offset
      7. Set Period time (note: PWM DC refresh on period ends)