Error report: 2020-04-21 05:20:01
Status: Progress

Report generated: VemsTune (Help menu/Error reporting by one-click)

The mutligraph is not representing PW and DUTY CYCLE the same as the gauges on the left, the injector calibration view looks the same as the gauges.
This is quite the awckward problem as its important to be able to rely on the data shown in the mutligrap.

See attached picture. 1.2.41 and latest updates Vemstune.
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admin 2020-04-23 08:31:59
Hello Gunnar,

The compiled ini's are only used by MVG where it needs todo large bulk calculations to graph the selected dataset. It can use either compiled ini's for this (which are optimized variable calculations but hard-coded to certain firmware versions and chosen to nearest, but generally very fast) or the actual ini variable calculations based on current ini expressions run though the RPN handler, this takes any ini change into account but is much slower.

I hope this explains it a bit better,

Best regards,

GunnarReynisson 2020-04-22 00:51:37
Hi Dave.

That seems to have cured it. What is the reason for the compiled ini's enabling disabling? I´ve never heard about it before.
admin 2020-04-21 08:30:24
Hello Gunnar,

It might be a side effect of the compiled-ini's being enabled in your VT setup, disable via Preferences->General settings->Overall->Enable compiled ini files-> "No" (than restart VT).

If that does not help, please let me know,

Best regards,

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