Error report: 2012-01-13 20:07:28
Status: New

Report generated: VemsTune (Help menu/Error reporting by one-click)
I'm having trouble with my wideband o2 sensor. All settings are default with the correct numbers for my pump and nernstdc values. My o2 reading is .06 instead of 20. I've double checked my wiring and my voltage to the sensor and everything looks good to me.

What could I be missing?
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devin1205 2012-02-04 00:31:54
No problem, the report can be used for sharing config (also in more complex issues).

We sent out replacement board, which gives more chances to find out if it was really a hardware problem as suspected.
devin1205 2012-01-24 21:58:26
I'm sorry I just read the error report was for firmware or config problems only.

devin1205 2012-01-24 21:29:49
I have 4.03v from GND to Pump -
Nernst to GND is 4.4v
Key and VEMS off - pump- to pump+ reads 0v and with key on it reads .734v

I've adjusted the zero voltage with a pump value of 3 instead of the specs from 97 to 105. After this has been adjusted my O2% is now at 20.9. GintsK thinks that I may have a board issue.

What can I do from here on my end? Should I send the board back to have it repaired/checked?

Thanks, Devin 480-353-7202 or