Error report: 2015-10-22 15:52:12
Status: Progress

Report generated: VemsTune (Help menu/Error reporting by one-click)
Allowing to idle then gently bring up throttle to rev engine. Wont rev past 2200 rpm. Seems the ecu is trying to force idle. Previous to this idle ignition timing allowable retard was set to 13 and the timing would go down as you try to rev it up.
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jrbe 2015-10-23 15:47:33
Thanks Dave. Sorry, i'm new with this ecu. I'll dig into the stuff you mentioned and try to keep it on the forum.
admin 2015-10-23 02:03:45
Hello Jrbe,

I have reviewed your report it seems to be a ment as a sharing report rather than bug report ? This said, i would suggest the following:

* To correct your idle strangeness, please correct your Idle Settings -> TPS Value for idle threshold to a reasonable value of 1.5-2% instead of 0%.
* There are constant secondary trigger errors flagged, perhaps it is not connected or sensor broken ?
* You are using a very old firmware (1.1.95), if the setup is already tuned it should be okay, but i would not recommend it for a new install (1.2.31 firmware will be your best bet).

I would definitely check and correct the first two steps, take special care about changing firmware it will require expert knowledge and re-tune might be needed after upgrade only proceed if you feel confident about those steps.

Best regards, Dave