9.7. Narrow Band Oxygen - FIXME

9.7.1. Operation

First only narrowband sensor was supported. Nowadays most users use wideband because advantages are astonishing and costs are acceptible with Genboard v3. However there might be situations when narrowband sensor is kept.

9.7.2. Installation - TODO

9.7.3. Wiring - TODO

The NBO2 signal wire is connected to the 2nd nernst channel (EC18-13).

R103 is left off, so the amplifier is not amplifying, just buffering (protecting the processor).

9.7.4. Configuration - FIXME

These parameters determine how the Exhaust Gas Oxygen correction reacts for NBO2. WideBand is much much much more useful, and now affordable for everyone for the first time in history, thanks to VEMS. Read Section 9.6, “Wide Band Oxygen” instead of this page if you have WBO2.


  • effectively ego_conf makes no difference, except for the special NBO2_PID_EGO_EXPERIMENT below
  • set "config.config13 bit1=0" to enable the MegaTune compatible NBO2 controller
  • note that ego_rich_limit will make no effect. the ego_lean_limit value is used for rich limit too (MegaTune semantics)
Variable Name Starting point value Units Description
ego_conf 0x20 Main EGO configuration. Use 0x20 for NBO2 sensors.
ego_pid_kp Narrowband EGO PID kp.
mt_unused Unused. Don't change this.
ego_delta Minimum useful change in narrowband O2 reading.
ego_target Sensor target voltage.
ego_pid_window Minimum window for PID to react.
ego_coolant 0x92 (146) TODO: 0x01=? Minimum coolant temp for EGO correction enabling.
ego_maxtps 0xFF (255) 0x01=0.4% open Max TPS position for EGO correction enabling.
ego_maxmap 0xFF (255) 0x01=0.4% Max MAP pressure for EGO correction enabling.
ego_minrpm 0x08 (8) 0x01=100rpm Minimum engine speed for EGO correction enabling.
ego_maxrpm 0xFF (255) 0x01=100rpm Max engine speed for EGO correction enabling.
ego_lean_limit 0x30 (48) 0x01=0.4% Max percent of AFR enrichment allowed.
ego_rich_limit 0x80 (128) 0x01=0.4% Max percent of AFR enrichment allowed.
wbo2_warmup_target 0xFF (255) Unused.

Table 9.5. NBO2 sensor config variables

9.7.5. Tuning - TODO

9.7.6. Testing and Monitoring - TODO