Chapter 2. The Nature Of Genboard

Table of Contents

Processor Overview
The EFI & Ignition Process
Code Overview

Briefly add stuff here about the history of Genboard and some of the downfalls of other DIY EFI systems without naming names.

Processor Overview

The powerful core of Genboard V.3 ECU is the Atmel Mega128 that contains an advanced Reduced Instruction Set Central Processing Unit. The processor has 128K Byte flash memory, which can be written during operation of the unit. Other key features are as follows:

  • 4K Byte EEPROM

  • 4096 Byte SRAM

  • 16 MIPS throughput at 16MHz

  • 8x 10-Bit A/D inputs

  • Several program counters

  • Programmable in C

  • Low cost

Atmel Product Sheets:

See Appendix C for a block diagram.