WebShop/BackLog (2005-02-22 09:46:54)

Page for requests for completing shipment whenever the primary shipping is done before all ordered parts are available.

Sometimes when a component that is part of an order is not available very soon, we send out the available parts in a primary package so one can start to get know v3.x as soon as possible, and leave some parts in a 2nd pack (we pay for posting that of course).

We try to stock everything, but small accidents happen, eg. around:

in the past. These were missing from some packs sent out.

Please everyone, who would like small items that he didn't get with primary shipment (even components that would not be part of the order normally, maybe a few more SMB diodes; more resistors, whatever) write the wish-list on/under your memberspage and link from here. If it's just one item, put here.

If possible, write the WebShop orderID.



List of lists


frontplates (Please delete your name if you received items):


WBO2 connector some packs went out without wbo2 connector lately (we had some "packet drop" over the atlantic pond :-( ). Now that WBO2 connector housings are scheduled to arrive from a local source, we'll send them out. (No rubber seals yet though: specify when you need connector for the highest chance of included rubber seal). We'll review shop, but to make sure we don't miss you, just add your name (and orderid or appr. order date if not hard) here:

Phantom payments - under investigation

In case of yet unidentified orders (usually order is related to payment very quickly by some of orderid, name, amount, date, country etc..). Under any uncertainty we ask (usually email).

If you have more info, you can write here too (prefer linking).