Developer notes to evaluate
We don't want to duplicate their docs, but evaluate how it competes with HW implemented CAN (in LPC ARM) or modbus over serial (or profibus or similar).
I know some people (Johan?) examined closely, please take some notes.
Main questions:
- how easy it is to integrate to our firmware? if costly, we might just want to drop ARM on every network-designated board and postpone CAN support for small uC-s
- interrupt latency it introduces (important if the main task of uC is ignition control)
- CPU clocks from userspace (not as costly as CPU clocks spent in interrupt, but still counts) for given baudrate. This changes in function of:
- minimal: if all frames are neglected (addressed to other nodes)
- if all frames are fully processed
CPU overhead
- Using HW uart (right?) so: 1 interrupt / byte on AVR (no FIFO)
- I assume bytes (at least for non-neglected frames) are immediately passed up to userspace, so interrupt handler is short (right?)
- CRC calculation? Costlier (regarding CPU and flash) than (modbus over serial) RTU checksum?
- other costs ? bit stuffing or similar ?