VemsFrontier/Bluetooth (2017-07-12 10:20:49)

The [BlueTooth RS232 adapter] converts an RS232 (serial) signal to a bluetooth radio link. Can replace an USB-RS232 cable although runtime logging is currently ~10 Hz (instead of 25Hz although theoretically it could be similar with BT as with native RS232 or USB-RS232)

OLD info, mostly OBSOLETE... for developers

RN41 Firmware 6.15 04/26/2013 enters cmd mode even if xxx$$$zzz => no 1sec silence before and after $$$

Although it should be very rare, even if it's configured properly according to the datasheet (to make unintentional reconfiguration virtually impossible),

The certification process force us to use a finished bluetooth module. The GlobalSat BTM001 looks like the primary candidate but it looks like a few of the module manufacturers use a common pinout and footprint. BTM001.jpg

How is two modules paired? AT commands like I have seen elsewhere?

It looks like the module need 3.3v and has an onboard 1.8v regulator.

Panasonic BTZ4002 is also very interesting and it is much smaller, Texas has a module that is 1/4 of the panasonic module. but we have no info on availability for the these modules.

The panasonic module may be available as C-COM BTM-106 with a bluetooth stack.




A snippet from a philips press release:

Philips' Bluetooth BGB203 (Flash version) SiP will be sampling in July 2004 and will be available in production quantities in Q4 2004. The BGB204 (ROM version), which is footprint-compatible with the BGB203, will be available in production quantities in Q1 2005.

From the same press release:

The BGB203 Bluetooth SiP integrates 268 kB of Flash memory, making it easy for customers to develop software for self-reliant products such as voice headsets, car kits and PC peripherals. The BGB204 is cost-optimized with a proven Bluetooth HCI software stack in on-chip ROM for hosted applications such as mobile phones and PDAs. A smooth and easy cost-reduction path from BGB203 Flash- to BGB204 ROM-based products is enabled by a patch RAM mechanism and compatible footprint.

A few of the available modules:

Most of the modules need a firmware, Widcomm (now owned by Broadcomm) makes the firmwares for most of the modules. Some of the above modules has firmware loaded and is certified. Some will need a firmware and has to be certified.(Has to be found with a firmware already loaded.)

I got TDK blu2i devel kit in my hands, one bare module and one covered USB module but its the same inside. These are class 1 devices upto 100m, a bit expensive but if you have bluetooth at your laptop then you just need one. Or any USB/rs232 bluetooth works fine at computer side. (of course if it's class 2 then range is only 10m..)

I made adapter between serial module connected to devel kit, it's two D9 connectors, 2-3, 3-2, 5-5 and at devel kit side looped 7 to 8. Yes, devel kit board have RS232 chip in it making it 'real' RS232.

Speed is by default 9600, but it could be changed. I haven't tested this in real action, only at my table. This is my first time with bluetooth so USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! :)

Serial device (slave) connected to vems have to be configured by connecting module to serial port and at terminal program (9600):

Now connect this module to vems.

Linux with USB bluetooth module:

Thats it! Now megatunix using /dev/rfcomm0 or minicom also using /dev/rfcomm0

I'm not really sure are these AT-commands some kind standard. I have also BTM001 modules in my hand, but I haven't got it work at all! Maybe it have to be configured via SPI or something, BUT I HAVEN'T FOUND A GOOD DOCUMENTS OF IT! So if you know something about these crap BTM001, please tell it!

Actually this BTM001 is VERY similar to blu2i, same components at the same place, blu2i board is just bigger with antenna in pcb. Maybe it would work same way, but in class 2 (range 10m).