low priority:
More than 6 gears displayed in [VemsDisplay], sequential gearbox
Some sequential gearbox have 8 gears, voltage climbing in this order:
- reverse (lowest voltage)
- neutral (0)
- gear 1-6
original "request" from Roland:
- "extend config_ext.gears[] from 6 to 8 entries" (also used for boostcontrol)
- it turned out that implementing that in firmware + VemsTune would NOT be a solution for them (0..7 or 1..8 displayed would be misleading)
- if android Vemsdisplay is used in triggerframe mode (not AIM mode), than it sees mcp3208 analog inputs: would be possible to configure the voltages there, and display 0-6 and some special symbol for R (perhaps 7 or 8 or 9, but note that it is a special case: non-monotonous)
This wish would be considered normal priority (instead of low) had config + vemslog been provided, + voltages of the actual gearbox model documented
Save gauges layout
- show Km / Liter
- you means instead of 8.0 liter / 100 km, show 12.5 km / liter ? (probably also useful for miles / liter or miles / gallon depending on configuaration)
- "Read / write from android device."
- save layout of gauges (perhaps to some unique ID/key), to be restored on another device with similar X/Y screen aspect ratio (editing gauges is laborsome)
- Analog input change passing 2.5v on a specified analog channel will force vemsdisplay to change its display page, this is for cars with mounted android tablets and used as a dash, a button press will change pages
Running out of descriptors (??)
- traditionally there are only 6 free analog (mcp) channels (+2 EGT + 7 other pre-assigned analogs)
- and 14 fully customisable predefined descriptors for them, running out ?
- Must be some misanderstanding (other than the message sent to the wrong channel, we cannot understand the use-case).
- Please make sure the intended usecase is crystal clear (with reference to project page: what is already set, what else would be, and how; otherwise it cannot be handled, or even verified that it's satisfied or not).
Since [2017-02-xx beta] (and any released) versions DONE: oilpressure and fuelpressure also sent in AIM stream
- Just in case: data format changed somewhat, Please "clear app data" in android preferences if app misbehaves (eg. crashes at startup).
- "clean app data" in android preferences if you experience any problem, and before any further attempt (reinstall does NOT clear and will NOT help), or before firing any report. Thank you.