low priority:
More than 6 gears displayed in [VemsDisplay], sequential gearbox
Some sequential gearbox have 8 gears, voltage climbing in this order:
- reverse (lowest voltage)
- neutral (0)
- gear 1-6
original "request" from Roland:
- "extend config_ext.gears[] from 6 to 8 entries" (also used for boostcontrol)
- it turned out that implementing that in firmware + VemsTune would NOT be a solution for them (0..7 or 1..8 displayed would be misleading)
- if android Vemsdisplay is used in triggerframe mode (not AIM mode), than it sees mcp3208 analog inputs: would be possible to configure the voltages there, and display 0-6 and some special symbol for R (perhaps 7 or 8 or 9, but note that it is a special case: non-monotonous)
This wish would be considered normal priority (instead of low) had config + vemslog been provided, + voltages of the actual gearbox model documented
Save gauges layout
- show Km / Liter
- you means instead of 8.0 liter / 100 km, show 12.5 km / liter ? (probably also useful for miles / liter or miles / gallon depending on configuaration)
- "Read / write from android device."
- save layout of gauges (perhaps to some unique ID/key), to be restored on another device with similar X/Y screen aspect ratio (editing gauges is laborsome)
- Analog input change passing 2.5v on a specified analog channel will force vemsdisplay to change its display page, this is for cars with mounted android tablets and used as a dash, a button press will change pages
Running out of descriptors (??)
- traditionally there are only 6 free analog (mcp) channels (+2 EGT + 7 other pre-assigned analogs)
- and 14 fully customisable predefined descriptors for them, running out ?
- Must be some misanderstanding (other than the message sent to the wrong channel, we cannot understand the use-case).
- Please make sure the intended usecase is crystal clear (with reference to project page: what is already set, what else would be, and how; otherwise it cannot be handled, or even verified that it's satisfied or not).
Since [2017-02-xx beta] (and any released) versions DONE: oilpressure and fuelpressure also sent in AIM stream