StepByStepGuide/Software (2006-03-16 04:43:08)

Step By Step Guide for Software

The intent of this page is to setup the board up with the latest firmware and setting your pc up with the software to start tuning


You will need to download these items into a folder of your choice.

Latest stable firmware release is on

[FirmwareChanges] page no direct link is provided as the release number changes

Unzip it

[Megaloader] provide functionality of flashing system and uploading configuration and tables

unzip it

copy megaloader.exe to your firmware directory from the previous step

Your also going to have to install a tuning software package.

MegaTunix/Win is a good choice, follow the instructions for downloading it. The download and Go should work.

You will need to install perl for windows. See this [page] for details on how to do that

Now the basics are installed.

To upload the latest firmware

start>run> cmd (type cmd in that box you'll get a dos prompt)

change directories the firmware directory

type: megaloader.exe vems.hex -twE

you should see [insert scrn dump]

Now you need to build your tables and configuration

see THIS PAGE about config file

see THIS PAGE about tables file

after these are edited to your configuration

type makemtt in the firmware directory you should see [screendump]

Then you upload them by typing the following commands in the firmware directory

megaloader -d etc/config.mtt [screendump]

megaloader -d etc/tables.mtt [screendump]