RoundV21 (2021-08-09 14:19:11)

Round V21 looks like AFreshTiny Round v2, and has the same hardware peripherals (4 strong lowside NFET outputs, multiple analog inputs, RPM/wheelspeed input and activation inputs, communication port, etc... ) , with more than double memory (flash and SRAM) for new firmware features in the future (theoretically upto about 3 times more software features, or bigger tuning or conversion maps).

The round V21 can be recognized by:

LSU4.9 nernst and pump and heater hardware, EGT, voltage out, boost, PWM0, PWM4 output etc... are tested from VemsTune. There is currently no other firmware released for this HW, for downgrade or upgrade (so only LSU4.9 is supported).

VemsTune "update ini from web" is needed

Use it with 0.7.51 firmware

If attempting upload of an inappropriate fw (the marker word is killed before FW upload fails - which VT notices - causing round to Stay in boot mode - would need serial command to "Leave boot mode")