Round V21 looks like AFreshTiny Round v2, and has the same hardware peripherals (4 strong lowside NFET outputs, multiple analog inputs, RPM/wheelspeed input and activation inputs, communication port, etc... ) , with more than double memory (flash and SRAM) for new firmware features in the future (theoretically upto about 3 times more software features, or bigger tuning or conversion maps).
The round V21 can be recognized by:
- serialnr > 32000
- ships with fw 0.7.51
- which is same as 1.5.49, for LSU4.9 and includes AIM (that's why 0.x)
- set of options: -D ROUNDV2 -D WBO2 -D ROUND_LSU49 -D AIM
- -D MAN_PROTOCOL is admittedly special (more useful for testing, no direct use in the field normally).
LSU4.9 nernst and pump and heater hardware, EGT, voltage out, boost, PWM0, PWM4 output etc... are tested from VemsTune. There is currently no other firmware released for this HW, for downgrade or upgrade (so only LSU4.9 is supported).
VemsTune "update ini from web" is needed
- or under config/ copy 1.5.12 or 1.5.49 to vemsTune-round-0.7.51.ini (with same contents)
Use it with 0.7.51 firmware
- New firmware will be released for any new firmware features when available.
- or perhaps the same without -D MAN_PROTOCOL if necessary
- (since it fits into flash, this special menu should not be a problem).
- any hints that 0.7.51 behavior is inferior to 1.5.49 by any means ?
The price of compatibility with old VemsTune, if attempting upload of an inappropriate fw (the "marker word" is erased before FW upload fails causing round to Stay in boot mode - need serial command to "Leave boot mode" every time after powerup)
- Tools / Firmware webtool / 0.7.51 download (available now)
- => Tools / Firmware / Firmware UPLOAD 0.7.51 to upload firmware, and fix marker word.
- NOTE: Firmware upload recommended (not the firmware upgrade wizard)
The same procedure can be used in case some flash bits are suspected to have been corrupted by powerful X-ray or cosmic rays or strong ionising radiation (eg. beta or gamma). (Or if firmware verify shows "firmware is different").
- [same as for other recent firmwares] set all to "actual values" (Displaying Peak values can be useful for some slots but confusing in most cases)
Still having trouble with (2021-08) round 0.7.51
The gauge is happy that the sensor is working and showing correct lambda in VemsTune.
- "display is slot 0 and max is 0 it's still showing -FU (problem!)
- Display Peak values="actual values" are selected, right ?
It can show other things in the top row, but AFR or Lambda just shows "-FU" (indicating possibly Display Peak value="peak value" selected instead of "actual value", or target not reached problem, are the wires safe and sound ?).
Can you do Tools/Firmware verify 0.7.51 ? (just in case)
- uploading any other firmware version is not currently supported (this has full functionality, and no other fw relased for this device).
Please investigate and respond to report crvGcr
- we upload a config that shows correct lambda/O2
- your config (extracting from report)