Still having trouble with (2021-08) round 0.7.51
The gauge is happy that the sensor is working and showing correct lambda in VemsTune.
- "display is slot 0 and max is 0 it's still showing -FU (problem!)
- Display Peak values="actual values" are selected, right ?
It can show other things in the top row, but AFR or Lambda just shows "-FU" (indicating possibly Display Peak value="peak value" selected instead of "actual value", or target not reached problem, are the wires safe and sound ?).
Can you do Tools/Firmware verify 0.7.51 ? (just in case)
- uploading any other firmware version is not currently supported (this has full functionality, and no other fw relased for this device).
Please investigate and respond to report crvGcr
- we upload a config that shows correct lambda/O2
- your config (extracting from report)