Developer page: besides making the best opensource ECM, we need to invest resources into making understanding/tuning the system simpler and faster, for experts and beginners too
Therefore we must focus on better documentation and better tuning software in the first place. Note that stuff here is only experimental/prototyping, with the exception of megatun... softwares.
PC targetted
- MegaTunix is the proposed tuningsoftware for unix and win32. Written in C, possible (but not cheap to port to small devices in the future)
- MegaTune will be supported for some time. Can be used to set VE table and ignition advance (and many other important parameters).
- PvTune is the best for prototyping new tuningsoftware functions (that are to be merged to MegaTunix)
Targetted towards small devices - PDA, cellphone, gameboy
- OtherTuningSoftware/NintendoGameBoy would be a nice notebookless solution. Many parts of MegaTunix could be used, but some parts would need to be rewritten so it can run on less RAM.
- Richard Barrington started OtherTuningSoftware/JTune (in Java, see JTune module in CVS). One approach is to develop for PDA and cellphones, (concept API's on OtherTuningSoftware/JTune/HardWare ; will the superwaba framework work on cellphones?) and than it will work anywhere. [wxwindows based code], first BootLoader functionality.
Prototyping - even more experimental
- from MembersPage/DavidHelland for win, linux (src + binary) but currently text-only and rather an upload-aid than a tuning software
- The other (for now abandoned) approach is to develop with the most complex (JFC ?) app in mind, but take care the GUI is as loosely coupled as possible so it can be substituted. MembersPage/MarcellGal and MembersPage/Gabor started OtherTuningSoftware/GenTune This could give a nice GUI (that we need to make anyway) faster, with a clear path to have the PDA-app as well. See many apps that ideas can be borrowed from (java3D is also very nice, fast and powerful, although it's good not to depend on it runtime):
- MembersPage/MichaelRichards is working on OtherTuningSoftware/PSITuner which is loosely based on a previously existing tuning package (written in Delphi) to the AVR (make it talk the MenuSystem, just as speaks for example, but must be more user-friendly)
All parameters, tables, runtime (eg. LCD display-page) and special settings can be commanded via PS2KeyBoard or TerminalProgram. Read MenuSystem and don't miss the refcard part!
Tuningsoftware functions
- datalogger (standalone and cooperation with MMC flash: GenBoard/LoggerIntegration)
- Out of bounds alerts: both audio and visual.
- A dash style display and plots (for realtime data and datalog viewing).
- tuning the parameters: tables and config variables
- explaining the parameters (yes, help should be integrated as far as possible)
Few Ideas for Additional Functions
- Current discussion in the IRC today was inregards to the dot's on the 3dview - red for edit; green for current engine conditions. Suggestions lead to having a blue trailling dot that represents history of the green dot's position. Maybe some color tones that lead from bright blue down to black for the last dot. Something like 5 seconds of history would be good... think mouse trails. A different shape for active vs current might be good too - red vs green isn't too useable for colour-blind men.
- when graphing, have two different time scales. my dad's one engine scanner has this.... ex. data flows on the graph from right to left. the first half of the graph shows full rate data, while the second half shows filtered data so a different time scale is achieved and data lingers longer.... you can see this in the following brochure... pretty sweet if you ask me.
Why do we need yet another tuning software ?
- many people are not comfortable with notebook in the car all the time (think: racers, bikes, thieves, safety) so we need to think of PDA or gameboy solutions and datalog analysis solutions
- in the long run, we want to maintain may 2 codebases, that cover reasonable platforms (Unix variants, including Linux) and broken ones (win32), and PDAs as far as reasonable.
Alien tuningsoftwares - worths to look at
See also:
- OtherTuningSoftware/GoodAndBadTuningSoftware
- OtherTuningSoftware/WidgetSet
- OtherTuningSoftware/QtInfrastructure
- OtherTuningSoftware/GuideLines for generic brainstorming that will help the efficiency of efforts
- GenBoard/AdvancedComm shows how one can connect to someone else's table-hooked up AVR on same continent or another.
- OtherTuningSoftware/MegaTuneMSNS
- OtherTuningSoftware/CommonInfrastructure is trying to make life easier :)
- OtherTuningSoftware/Technologies is a discussion of technologies available and choices made by some to provide the best possible tuning software to the broadest set of users.
- OtherTuningSoftware/HandheldTuningDevices is a discussion of common handheld devices that could be used for tuning/logging as well.