OtherTuningSoftware/PSITuner (2006-03-16 04:43:08)

PSITuner is an ongoing project to provide commercial quality tuning software for free to the VEMS community. Quality tuning software is necessary before hoping for any sort of commercial marketing initiative. If tuners like the product and find it easy to set up and use then they are more likely to recommend and sell the product.

Progress so far. I've begun re-writing the software using C++ Builder but every time I need more features in the original version it's easier to load up Delphi and hack it in so there are 2 versions right now... The Delphi one has been released:


This is the delphi version Build 358. Here is what it can do:


VEMS/OtherTuningSoftware/PSITuner/DevelCode - Go here for development work in progress snapshots. Pre-Alpha testers are needed!

VEMS/SerialComm/SIPR/ is a serial interface protocol that is reliable. I am implementing this so the tuning software never has to assume its command was processed by the ECU. Instead data is sent and received in a stateless fashion using a pre-defined packet format.