OnlineCourse/BoostControl (2005-04-19 09:26:37)

BoostControl is relatively simple compared to WideBand or OnlineCourse/VeLearning implementation

The trick is the very well mappable boost-target.

Actuation implementation

Since the solenoids people kept finding were on/off type with 20..30 Hz max frequency, the original high frequency softpwm implementation had to be changed.

3 parts:

PID tuning

PID parameter tuning of such a system is not trivial.

Compressor supply

My tire inflating compressor eats 11..12A from 12V supply, so my power supplies are not up to the job. (The PC ATX supply is >25A at 3.3V but not at 12V).

I got a dry Lead-acid battery that I should fill and charge for the experiments. Looking for the sulphuric acid concentration to fill up originally with. I'll have to slowly charge and discharge a few times.