Genboard unit specification:
Serial no.: 1433
pump- = 4.12 V
wbo2pumppwzero = 0x66 (102)
wbo2 nernstdctarget = 0x86 (134)
pump+ = -3.5 mV/200 ohm
AREF = 4.9 V
firmware ver = 1.1.27
Calibrated values:
Map sensor offset (kpa) = 6
WBO2 calibration constant = 199
- Differs for every sensor. Adjust until O2% on mlp07 is 20.95%: mde02 turn the heater on: mde00 turn the heater off
PUMP PID nernst target = 134
Problem at egt calibration:
- (In boiling water vems shows 84 C with egt1_cal= 0x49. In water/ice shows 0 C every time, NOT depends on egt1_cal.)
- typical egt1_cal=4B (or 4C)
- Measuring again Megatune shows 100-102 C with egt1_cal=0x55 (85) in boiling water. 0 C in ice, but at room temperature shows 13 C when the thermometer shows 18 C. Is it possible? Or what is wrong?
Calibrate the egt sensor according to AfreshTiny/EgtCalibration There is no egt1_offs in v3 config (for the AD597 chip it was always ~0 so it was dropped. It is not for room-temp or fever measurement anyway) so skip the offset and only do the calibration. Best to apply 30-35mV signal.
If you want to skip it, use 0x4C (decimal 76). 0x55 would show rather high.
egt1_cal=0x4C (76)