EVAP Subpage of MembersPage/VasilisP
AAN ECU serialnr ?
EVAP valve
- if some connection needed (from EC10 or SSC6)
- can you check your EC10 pinout on paper (fill in EC10 section below !)
- or if some output is already connected inside ECU to mot55/pin5
Can you please measure
- (ignition off) what is the resistance of the EVAP valve ?
- can you measure +12V on one pin of EVAL valve (ignition ON) ?
- please do measure and take note as a verification, (not just write something as "standard")
- can you measure connectivity from mot55/pin5 to EVAP valve ?
When i test the i259/7 output, the EVAP valve does not operate
Under misc output 2 settings channel selector I259 channel 7
Under output channel setup, misc 2 has: ignition output 7 (7A)Grounding EC36, pin10 (no conflict, eg. not configured on other output)
- as a test: toggle inverted / not inverted checkbox
- can you measure voltage between the EVAP valve pin (whichever is connected to MOT55/pin5) and +12V ? (or +5V can also be used as measurement reference)
Check your EC10 pinout on paper and compare to [typical EC10 pinout] ?
- when misc2=i259/2 and toggling inverted / not inverted
- please measure voltage between EC10/pin8 and +5V
- or +4V (WBO2 pump- eg. LSU4.2/pin5 or LSU4.9/pin2) can also be used as measurement reference
- same test for i259/3 and EC10/pin9
If the EC10 pin is pulled to GND when i259/.. activated, that can be used for EVAP activation easily
- connect to the wire that is verified to be connected to EVAP
- a diode (BY399 or min 1n4007) across EVAP valve is nice (cathode to +12V)
1) I have in the aux outputs on my config settings to operate the n80 audi valve for recirculating the fuel vapors from the engine.
- please publish config sometime
- does it pass "validate", or shows some errors ? If yes, can we see and investigate errors, one by one ?