I have installed c20let engine (2.0 16v turbo) and f28 gearbox (fwd 6 speed) from Opel Calibra turbo into 1990 Opel Kadett E GSI and Vems-ed it.
Here are some pics:
pics coming soon test
Engine: water-cooled 2000cc, DOHC, 16V with std KKK turbocharger, big intercooler, std. cams, 9:1 cr and std. head. Boost is going to be manualy controled from 0.8 to 1.2 bar. Engine is redlined at arround 6500rpm. It has 205 bhp in std. form and arround 280bhp with std. ecu chiptuned to 1.2 bar so I plan to achive that with V3.1 board.
Here is my config:
Priming, Cranking, Afterstart:\n
primep=00 primep_temp_scaling=B0 cwl=C0 cwh=17 cranking_thres=03 awev=0A awev_temp_scaling=A4 awc=3C
warmup_clt_range[0]=00 warmup_clt_range[1]=14 warmup_clt_range[2]=28 warmup_clt_range[3]=3C warmup_clt_range[4]=50 warmup_clt_range[5]=64 warmup_clt_range[6]=78 warmup_clt_range[7]=8C warmup_clt_range[8]=AA warmup_clt_range[9]=C8 warmup_clt[0]=B0 warmup_clt[1]=AE warmup_clt[2]=AC warmup_clt[3]=AA warmup_clt[4]=A0 warmup_clt[5]=96 warmup_clt[6]=8C warmup_clt[7]=87 warmup_clt[8]=82 warmup_clt[9]=64 warmup_rpm_scale=64
(4 pieces of std. highZ calibra turbo injectors 304 cc/min @3bar.) \n
req_fuel=6E divider=01 alternate=13 injopen=20 battfac=10 kpafac=7F kpaoffs=A8 injocfuel=08 injrampup_battfac=FF injpwm=FF injpwmt=FF injpwm6=00 rpmk[0]=0B rpmk[1]=B8
TPS, fuelcut:\n
tpsdot_kpadot_conf=00 tpsdotrate[0]=05 tpsdotrate[1]=14 tpsdotrate[2]=28 tpsdotrate[3]=4D tpsaq[0]=00 -tuning VE table right now so acc. enrichment is set to zero tpsaq[1]=00 tpsaq[2]=00 tpsaq[3]=00 tps_thresh=05 tpsasync=0A acmult=64 tpsacold=05 tpsdq=64 decel_fuelcut_thres=24 overrun_fuelcut=10 overrun_fuelresume=0F rev_limit=46 airden_ignore=62 config11=30 config12=30 config13=02 batt_cal=BC fastidle=80 baro=64 dbaro=0C tps_low=28 tps_high=C2 fan_temp=F9 fan_hyst=04 fan_channel=07
Idle valve:
std. PWM valve from cally turbo (BOSCH 2 280 140 516).
I had big problems with car stalling during drive (I did set higher referent positions and low decrese limit but it didn't help, and it seems like high iac_kd value helped. I will confirm that in couple of days.) \n
iac_step_seq=C9 iac_conf=08 iac_max_steps=C8 iac_tps_thres=0D iac_cold_idle_temp=BF iac_warm_idle_temp=C7 iac_cold_rpm=6E iac_warm_rpm=5A iac_cold_start_pos=BF iac_warm_start_pos=A6 iac_afterstart_rpm=0A iac_afterstart_duration=20 iac_speed=04 iac_kp=0F iac_ki=0C iac_kd=A0 iac_integral_speed=DC iac_integral_limit_dec=12 iac_integral_limit_inc=64 iac_integral_deadband=0A iac_deadband=05 iac_pid_conf=01 iac_overclose_interval=B8 iac_ref_pos[0]=BF iac_ref_pos[1]=BD iac_ref_pos[2]=B8 iac_ref_pos[3]=B5 iac_ref_pos[4]=B3 iac_ref_pos[5]=B3 iac_ref_pos[6]=AB iac_ref_pos[7]=A8 iac_ref_pos[8]=A6 iac_ref_pos[9]=A6 iac_sol_channel=50 iac_ign_advance_change=50 iac_ign_retard_change=50 iac_ign_advance_limit=10 iac_ign_retard_limit=10 iac_ign_threshold=08
ego_conf=07 ego_lag=10 ego_coolant=CF ego_maxtps=FF ego_maxmap=FF ego_minrpm=0F ego_maxrpm=FF ego_warmup=3C ego_lean_limit=66 ego_rich_limit=4D ego_pid_kp=40 mt_unused=00 ego_delta=02 ego_target=19 ego_pid_window=FF
wbo2_warmup_ramp=A0 wbo2_warmup_target=FF wbo2_abs_limit=E4 wbo2_limit_maxt=A0 wbo2_fallback=60 wbo2_retry_t=06 wbo2_edgetime_corr=BA wbo2_edgetime_min=50 wbo2_ri_target=96 wbo2_nernstdc_target=8D wbo2_pump_pw_zero=66 wbo2_calibration=D5 wbo2_heater_pid_kp=46 wbo2_heater_pid_ki=10 wbo2_heater_pid_kd=1A wbo2_heater_pid_ilimit=80 wbo2_pump_pid_kp=40 wbo2_pump_pid_ki=2E wbo2_pump_pid_kd=08 wbo2_pump_pid_ilimit=84 wbo2_ri_confidence_scale=80
(not used for now)\n
knock_conf=FF knock_sampling_window=FF knock1_frequency=29 knock1_gain=FF knock1_integrator=FF knock2_frequency=29 knock2_gain=FF knock2_integrator=FF knock_threshold=FF knock_noise_scale=FF knock_max_retard=00 knock_default_retard=00 knock_retard_step=FF knock_retard_delay=FF knock_advance_step=FF knock_advance_delay=FF knock_minrpm=FF knock_maxrpm=FF
VE learn:\n
ve_learn_coolant=D8 ve_learn_max_power=FF ve_learn_rpm_scale=28 ve_learn_kpa_scale=28 ve_learn_ego_scale=50 ve_learn_min_weight=50 ve_learn_speed=E0 ve_learn_limit=FF ve_learn_conf=01
lcd_c0=06 lcd_delay=22 lcd_backlight=70 lcd_offs[0]=FF lcd_offs[1]=FF lcd_offs[2]=FF lcd_offs[3]=FF lcd_default_view=03
(std bosch VR sensor from calibra with bosch 60-2 wheel)\n
primary_trigger=01 secondary_trigger=02 tooth_wheel=3A trigger_tooth=08 another_trigger_tooth=1E crank_minper=50 tooth_wheel_twidth1=06 tooth_wheel_twidth2=12 cam_sync_r_edge_phase=FF cam_sync_f_edge_phase=FF reset_engphase_after=FF ign_tdcdelay=9A
(Wasted spark coil from Ford Edis system controlled by Vems) \n
ign_dwell14=3E ign_dwell6=A0 ign_crank_advance=50 ign_out=70 ignchmax=03
Fuel pump:\n
engine_off_delay=08 pump_on_mintime=0F fuelpump_channel=47
The rest:\n
inj_stage2_rate=00 inj_stage2_start_tps=00 inj_stage2_start_map=00 als_deact_rpm=03 als_deact_time=00 als_deact_egt=00 als_retard=00 als_rev_limit=00 misc1out_minrpm=00 misc1out_maxrpm=00 misc1out_mintps=00 misc1out_maxtps=00 misc1out_minmap=00 misc1out_maxmap=00 misc1out_channel=FF misc2out_minrpm=00 misc2out_maxrpm=00 misc2out_mintps=00 misc2out_maxtps=00 misc2out_minmap=00 misc2out_maxmap=00 misc2out_channel=FF act_wot_rpm=FF act_wot_channel=FF act_rpm_rpm=FF act_rpm_channel=FF egt1_cal=00 egt1_offs=00 boost_conf=00 boost_targetoffs=00 boost_minpressure=FF boost_pid_kp=00 boost_pid_ki=00 boost_pid_kd=00 boost_pid_ilimit=00 boost_channel=FF water_pump_temp=00 hybrid_rpm_a=00 hybrid_rpm_m=00 water_pump_hyst=00 water_pump_channel=FF toothrel_normal=8A toothrel_missing=B5 fuelcut_min_kpa=0E fuelcut_max_kpa=E1 tach_channel=1F tach_divider=00 shiftcut_conf=01 shiftcut_channel=FF shiftcut_time=01
Here are my latest tables:
(in the tuning proces)\n
j[0]=2880 2A80 33A9 3548 3380 3180 3780 3580 3580 3780 3780 3780 j[1]=3A80 3C80 4118 4280 4680 4280 4280 3F80 3D80 3A80 3880 3880 j[2]=4F80 5280 4D1D 4A0C 5380 5580 5380 5180 5280 4C80 4380 3B80 j[3]=6180 6080 5380 4E80 4980 6080 6180 5B80 5A80 5780 4E80 4580 j[4]=6A80 6B80 6880 6A80 6980 6A80 6A80 6480 6280 6380 5C80 5180 j[5]=7080 7280 7180 7480 7680 7680 7680 7180 6E80 6E80 6480 5D80 j[6]=7980 7A80 7C80 7E80 7E80 7D80 7B80 7A80 7880 7780 7680 6E80 j[7]=8180 8180 8380 8280 8280 8380 8280 8280 8380 8480 7E80 7B80 j[8]=8A80 8A80 8A80 8C80 8B80 8980 8880 8880 8880 8980 8980 8680 j[9]=9780 9780 9780 9580 9680 9680 9680 9680 9580 9380 9480 9380 j[A]=A180 A080 9F80 9F80 9F80 9F80 9E80 9B80 9D80 9C80 9D80 9E80 j[B]=B180 B280 B080 B180 AF80 AF80 AE80 AF80 AF80 AF80 AE80 B080 l[0]=47 47 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 l[1]=47 47 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 l[2]=37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 l[3]=37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 l[4]=37 37 37 3D 3D 3D 3D 3D 3D 3D 3D 3D l[5]=47 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 l[6]=48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 l[7]=4F 4F 4F 4F 4F 4F 4F 4F 4F 4F 4F 4F l[8]=55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 l[9]=5C 5C 5C 5C 5C 5C 5C 5C 5C 5C 5C 5C l[A]=6D 6D 6D 6D 6D 6D 6D 6D 6D 6D 6D 6D l[B]=7B 7B 7B 7B 7B 7B 7B 7B 7B 7B 7B 7B n[0]=47 48 58 7C 80 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C 8C n[1]=48 48 58 74 7C 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 n[2]=40 48 58 6C 70 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 n[3]=3C 40 54 64 68 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 n[4]=30 38 50 60 64 6C 6C 6C 6C 6C 6C 6C n[5]=30 38 4C 58 5C 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 n[6]=28 34 44 4C 54 5C 5C 5C 5C 5C 5C 5C n[7]=28 30 3C 44 4C 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 n[8]=20 28 34 40 48 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 n[9]=18 20 2C 38 40 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C n[A]=14 18 24 30 38 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 n[B]=0C 10 18 24 2C 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 k[0]=23 32 3C 50 64 78 8C A0 B4 C8 E1 FF r[0]=07 0C 12 19 1E 25 2B 32 37 3C 43 4A h[0]=01 02 08 04 20 40 00 00 h[1]=00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 h[2]=01 03 01 03 01 03 01 03 b[0]=FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF t[0]=FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00
Here is hardware setup of my vems: MembersPage/TonciLoncar/OpelKadettTurbo/VemsHardware