MembersPage/TimJ (2005-08-07 20:51:32)

Audi A4 1.8TQ

My plan is to uppgrade with bigger turbo, new engine management system a bigger IC. Only problem is that i dont have so much knowledge with enginemanagement systems, so I`ll be greatfull for any help I can get.

What will I need to buy??

Anyone who has mounted this on a Audi AEB (1.8T 20V) engine before? That can help me out a bit?

It will make it a lot easier to help you out if you know more about what you're about to do. Not many will have time to answer basic questions, specific questions are better.

You should read the entire [MegaSquirt manual], it's a nice introduction to EFI and applies to the VEMS Genboard in many ways. There is a lot of things to read in the Wiki, so go explore and especially look at other members pages too see different installations. Some specify more than others what it entails.