Hi, Engdahl here.
A customer of mine wants to run a VIPER V10 with VEMS and we therefor have some questions.
First: Will Vems allow for ODD fire V10 config?
I have tried to change Engine setup in VEMSTUNE to oddfire, but it seems to do nothing.
How do we go about setting upp the odd fire sequence? My first option is to mess with Trigger reference tooth table. (TRTT)
The Viper V10 is a 90 degree 10 cyl engine. 720 degrees / 10 = 72 degrees. And on a 90 degree engine that means 18 degree Odd fire on right-bank cylinders. Correct?
If i change TRTT tooths will it still sync the tooth correct after the missing cap? If i change the order, VEMSTUNE sets a warning.
What is the other options? The separated cylinder spark delay does not allow for more than 3 degree delay. Any greater than 3 sets a warning.
So, what does Oddfire mode do exactly? And what do we need to do to run this engine?
Question 2:
Is he want to run full sequential in the future, is there any possibility to get a custom firmware to run 10 inj outputs?