The car is a 1970 MGB originally with four pot engine, but in 1985 I needed more power so I converted to V8. The engine is from a Rover SD1 and is with twin SU carburetors and in present form about 160 Hp.
Plan is to convert to injection by using base part of manifold from Range Rover, with special made top part, as high in engine compartment is limited. Other parts will include injections nozzles, pump and pressure regulator from Range Rover and Genboard Ver. 3.2 to control it all.
When injection is install and running I will go on with ignition probably with four coils using waste spark.
Changed plan, starting with ignition as waste spark with two coils with four output each.
Trigger setup and related problems and solutions MembersPage/SoerenMartinSoerensen/Trigger
Ignition setup and related problems and solutions MembersPage/SoerenMartinSoerensen/Ignition
Ignition coils
Any suggestion for fuse size for coils?
– 15A is blowing! 20A stand with low rpm, and 2ms charge time.
something is terribly wrong than! 4A used during setup shouldn't blow normally (that means about 7A peak current) and than by replacing with 5A fuse (peak current about 9A). Even with distributer, higher than 7A should never be needed.
Isn't that a CDI coil ?
- what type coil is that ?
- measure resistance of the coil
- also measure inductance if you can
Maybe misconfiguration ? Possibly output collision ?
Check validation and all outputs.
Coils are two Bosch motorsports coil, double fire 2x2 coils with four outputs each.
- Each coil have one fuse, that blows!
- Coil resistance are 0.5 ohm from common +12V to each side of coil
- Coil inductance 3,7 mH according to data sheet
- Hardware connection coil A:
- cyl. 1-6 on output pin 34
- cyl. 8-5 on output pin 36
- Hardware connection coil B:
- cyl. 4-7 on output pin 24
- cyl. 3-2 on output pin 10
- Ignition sequence 1-8-4-3-6-5-7-2
In which order should output table be?
How should “reference tooth” table look?
My config file is under SoerenMartinSorensenRoverV8