MembersPage/Sascha/CorradoRthirtytwo (2016-05-19 13:28:50)

=== VW Corrado - R32 VR6 Swap===

Basic Info:

Issues with starting the car just like here:

were Apparent as soon as the VW COP's were installed.

I think there might be a bug in the FW when it comes to starting missingtooth wheels not running wasted spark.

Before the R32 engine, this ECU was used on a 12V VR6 w/ wastespark coil pack. Engine started correctly ever time.

Since swapping to R32 engine and using factory COP ignition car intermittently will not start and back fire in exhaust just like in the link above for the E30.

Running Dual Output does not help. I believe there might be an issue with the FW instead when using COP's w/o cam-sync.