This page contains information on helping a a friend with a Audi Coupe with a 5cyl 20V Turbo enigne conversion (like a european Audi S2)... running VEMS, w/ stock Auditrigger setup and stock COP w/o power output stage and 440cc high impeadance Ford Racing injectors.
So far, the ECU was ordered setup for Auditrigger, and I assume that one of the grounds was bad and this is why we cooked the P259 chip (confirmed with Jorgen), so it was removed and the two diodes put in place.
Before I reconnected the ECU, I reconnected all of the grounds myself (as I didn't install the VEMS in the first place, I just took over when they couldn't figure out the trigger setup).
The hall sensor is recieving 5V (from PIN 28 - verified this @ the hall plug - also during cranking), the hall sensor wiring is NOT sheilded! But the original Audi harness is also not using sheilded cable (only for the two VR sensors).
I'm also using a 5V pullup with a 22k ohm resistor for the crankhome VR sensor, without this pullup I wasn't able to get any rpm signal to the ECU.
The VR sensors are within spec as far as the ohm readings go... One has 974ohm, and the other 1007 ohm.
MT does show RPM values when cranking (between 100-180 rpm).
I have captured a mmd0c log which can be viewed here:
Running through auditrigger_logformatter: the mdd0c seems very wrong, sectrig all over the place. Like if there was extreme noise on sectrig. Check grounds. \n
56 45 4d 53 20 76 31 2e 30 20 31 32 x 31 32 20 k70 a3d 32 2c 32 48 ell6f 3e 0d _ x x 0d _ x x x 0d _ 0d _ x x 0d _ 0d _ x P 0d _ x x x 0d _ x P a6 0d _ a6 x x x x 0d _ 0d _ x P 0d _ x P 0d _ 0d _ x P 0d _ x 0d _ P P a6 x x 0d _ x P 0d _ x P a6 a6 x x 0d _ x P a6 a6 0d _ x 0d _ x P 0d _ a6 0d _ x 0d _ 0d _ x 0d _ x 0d _ x x 0d _ x P 0d _ a6 x x x x 0d _ 0d _ x 0d _ P x 0d _ x P a6 a6 0d _ x x 0d _ x P 0d _ a6 x x x x x x 0d _ x P x x 0d _ x P x x 0d _ x 0d _ P 0d _ x P a6 0d _ x P a6 0d _ a6 x x x 0d _ x 0d _ x P a6 a6 x x x x 0d _ x P 0d _ a6 x x x
It is hard to imagine how can be so many sectrig pulses in above triggerlog, unless the crankhome-VR was inverted (at that time you captured !)
Wav files of crankhome-VR and crankwheel
Recorded with soundcard, as on ElectronicDesign/SoundRecorder (moved under MembersPage dir where it must be)
- the content (circumstances of capture) of files is NOT clear, this largely decreases the usefullness. You should make a list of the files, explaining, most importantly how differs from the earlier files (eg. )
- crankhome-VR was likely reverse before and than became good in (did you swap wires?). It's not easy to tell which is good polarity, because the soundcard often inverts the signal. But has some noise that is not from primary trigger, but likely from ign and/or injection (might be a good sign). Earlier captures didn't have it.
- luckily, primary trigger does not seem to be mixed into sectrig
Important notes
- review InputTrigger/AudiTrigger especially the crankhome-VR signal
- measure (and publish!) DC voltage on all 3 trigger signals (engine off but controller powered)
- don't forget to update your wiki page, linking any published files (people watch RecentChanges but not browse files)
- the only efficient way to get help is to publish in wiki what you are doing (measurements, circumstances, setup changes, results, captured files, etc...)
- email, irc, icq, etc... (see ChatViaIrc) are not used for support (unless the wiki site is down, hopefully never again), as they are unsuitable to make a comparably reasonable description of the setup / what's going / current status. Irc is good for nudging if the info is in the wiki, but otherwise only a waste of your time and others'.
mcd dump:
Check InputTrigger/AudiTrigger to see if the related variables in mcd match.
mct dump:
copy of my MSQ:
A new trigger log since the ECU was fixed: =>
(note: prefer filenames with "_" not " " space ).
My suspect is a reverse polarity crankhome-VR. This much noise on crankhome-VR would be unlikely otherwise.
Injector's are connected to the following outputs:
Inj 1 - EC36 Pin7
Inj 2 - EC36 Pin19
Inj 3 - EC36 Pin8
Inj 4 - EC36 Pin20
Inj 5 - EC36 Pin9
The Coils are connected as follows:
Coil #1 - EC36 Pin35
Coil #2 - EC36 Pin33
Coil #3 - EC36 Pin34
Coil #4 - EC36 Pin36
Coil #5 - EC36 Pin11
Fuel Pump is connected to EC36 Pin10 (IGBT Drive_07)
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