
Subpage of MembersPage/Sascha/AudiCoupe

With the help of this page,

Firing order is 1,2,4,5,3 as always on InputTrigger/AudiTrigger

Injectors (natural order)

Inj 1 - EC36 Pin7 (mask 1)

Inj 2 - EC36 Pin19 (mask 2)

Inj 4 - EC36 Pin20 (mask 8)

Inj 5 - EC36 Pin9 (mask 16 = 0x10)

Inj 3 - EC36 Pin8 (mask 4)

h[0]=01 02 08 10 04 20 40 80 is BAD


h[0]=01 04 10 08 02 20 40 80

which in MegaTune is 1,4,16,8,2,32,64,128 (from top to bottom)

Coils (natural order)

Coil #1 - EC36 Pin35 (injch0)

Coil #2 - EC36 Pin33 (injch1)

Coil #4 - EC36 Pin36 (injch3)

Coil #5 - EC36 Pin11 (injch4)

Coil #3 - EC36 Pin34 (injch2)

Remember that you read from 4..0,

So your

h[2]=04 03 02 01 00 07 07 07 is BAD order (though the channels are the good 0..4, just in wrong order. Good order is h[2]= 02 04 03 01 00 .. .. .. but maybe rotated to other starting poing (where is your TDC cyl1 ?)

Fuel Pump is connected to EC36 Pin10 (IGBT Drive_07)