Alpha-N test page.
Firmware version = -D "2004/11/24 16:00"
The patch(es) that I made from the CVS head did not apply to Nov 24 firmware cleanly (that was the reason for the failed compile)
Therefore I made this [alphan_against_nov24_good.patch] directly for Nov24 firmware (no need for the earlier patches, just start again from a clean cvs snapshot without the old patches applied):
This patch works good, Thanks Marcell. =)
Have not started engine yet but TPS now follow load as i should.
Alha-n tuning is not working ? Megatune ->useing MAP not TPS load the VE-Tables.
Ini file ->, firmware -> 1.0.13 rc3
I commited the following to CVS STABLE1_0 branch, comm.c MTsendRTvar():
// high resolution MAP or load for AlphaN
case 4: return (config.hybrid_rpm_m ? engine.kpa_tps_blend << 3 : engine.kpa250) >> 8;
case 5: return (config.hybrid_rpm_m ? engine.kpa_tps_blend << 3 : engine.kpa250) & 0xFF;
When AlphaN is configured, this is load instead of MAP, so MAP is only visible on LCD (if there is MAP signal at all).
The way to patch firmware:
- go to the dir that has the firmware to be patched (eg. Nov.24)
- make sure the .c and .h files are not corrupted (eg. by earlier half or badly applied patch)
- and say:\nÿ1ÿ
Than compile as usual
- rm *.o or make clean
- (sh)
- make (make all)
I checked
- tps_low tps_high seems OK
- config13 bit2 = high (* MAP not applied)
- hybrid_rpm_a = hybrid_rpm_m = 9600 RPM => alphaN applied "always"
Sounds good.
You could also check with
- RPM > hybrid_rpm_m and
- between: hybrid_rpm_a < RPM < hybrid_rpm_m (both MAP and TPS should effect)