VEMS v3.3 running 1.0.73 fw
It will be built in using the original wires and sensors.
About the engine:
Primary trigger: missing tooth, 60-2, bosch VR sensor (polarity checked)
Secondary trigger: hall (not used yet)
Knock sensing will be used later
Narrow band o2 (help needed with this)
One coil with distributor
Bosch IAC (pwm drive)
115kPa MAP sensor
Fire order: 1-3-4-2
440cc high-Z injectors with high voltage flyback
Config: (please check them)
Future TODO:
Change nbo2 to wbo2
Throw out the distributor, and replace with wasted spark coils or COP
Config taken from here: but on test bench MT reads (fast changing) random voltage (2-5V).
- It seems that the NBO2 input is the 2nd nernst channel (this is correct in manual)
- but that is pin EC18-1, not EC18-13. yes
When I short this pin to ground, then it reads constant 0V.
So, what did wrong?
The truth is, noone used nbo2 sensor for 4 years. To start the engine it's not needed. To tune the engine it's not suitable.
So everyone just sells nbo2 sensor and swaps to wbo2, the only reasonable way. If you can start the engine, don't tune before you have WBO2. It does not worth the risks. You can checkout order via IBAN and pay later. (note: wbo2 sensor hasn't been sent, as you were hesitating and said hold until you ask owner. Orders must go through webshop, not phone anyway)