VEMS on a Volvo V70N 5cyl engine
Please have a look at my homepage: (Swedish)
The project page:
- 5cyl, 2.4L
- 60-2 cranktrigger, VR sensor. Note: Missing tooth, not missing gap
- 1 pulse on cam, HALL sensor
- Ignition with active coil's directly on the spark plugs.
- The active coils on this engine needs +5V signal as trigger. The GenBoard has 2 IGBT + 6 logic-level outputs. Is the logic level outputs always +5V?
- How do I set the injection end angle? I mean the angle in crank degrees when the injector is activated. This should be when the inlet valve is open (at lower loads)
Are these config settings correct for this engine setup with 60-2 trigger?
- primary_trigger=01
- secondary_trigger=18
- tooth_wheel=3A
- trigger_tooth=05
- another_trigger_tooth=18
- tooth_wheel_twidth1=02
- tooth_wheel_twidth2=06
Is this a better solution?: To make a new trigger wheel with only 5 teeth. One trigger teeth for each cylinder.
- primary_trigger=01
- secondary_trigger=18
- tooth_wheel=05
- trigger_tooth=01
- another_trigger_tooth=02
- tooth_wheel_twidth1=02
- tooth_wheel_twidth2=48