VEMS on a Volvo V70N 5cyl engine
- 5cyl, 2.4L
- 60-2 cranktrigger, VR sensor. Note: Missing tooth, not missing gap
- 1 pulse on cam, HALL sensor
- Ignition with active coil's directly on the spark plugs.
- When should the cam trigger appear? How many crank degrees before cyl no. 1 TDC?
- How do I set the injection end angle? I mean the angle in crank degrees when the injector is activated. This should be when the inlet valve is open, at lower loads.
- Are these config settings correct for my engine setup/what is the carrect values?
- primary_trigger=??
- secondary_trigger=??
- tooth_wheel=3A
- trigger_tooth=??
- another_trigger_tooth=18
- tooth_wheel_twidth1=02
- tooth_wheel_twidth2=06
RonnieH . Are you who i think you are? 529 Orange?