primep=0F primep_temp_scaling=59 cwl=90 cwh=40 cranking_thres=04 awev=A0 awev_temp_scaling=A0 awc=52 warmup_clt_range[0]=00 warmup_clt_range[1]=14 warmup_clt_range[2]=28 warmup_clt_range[3]=3C warmup_clt_range[4]=50 warmup_clt_range[5]=64 warmup_clt_range[6]=78 warmup_clt_range[7]=8C warmup_clt_range[8]=AA warmup_clt_range[9]=C8 warmup_clt[0]=80 warmup_clt[1]=80 warmup_clt[2]=80 warmup_clt[3]=77 warmup_clt[4]=77 warmup_clt[5]=70 warmup_clt[6]=67 warmup_clt[7]=67 warmup_clt[8]=64 warmup_clt[9]=64 warmup_rpm[0]=64 warmup_rpm[1]=64 warmup_rpm[2]=64 warmup_rpm[3]=64 warmup_rpm[4]=64 warmup_rpm[5]=64 warmup_rpm[6]=64 warmup_rpm[7]=64 req_fuel=40 divider=01 alternate=03 injopen=3B battfac=0C kpafac=7F kpaofs=52 injocfuel=18 injrampup_battfac=FF injpwm=55 injpwmt=0A injpwm6=1C rpmk[0]=0B rpmk[1]=B8 tpsdot_kpadot_conf=00 tpsdotrate[0]=05 tpsdotrate[1]=14 tpsdotrate[2]=28 tpsdotrate[3]=4D tpsaq[0]=12 tpsaq[1]=32 tpsaq[2]=5A tpsaq[3]=96 tps_thresh=08 tpsasync=05 acmult=64 tpsacold=10 tpsdq=62 decel_fuelcut_thres=0F overrun_fuelcut=FF overrun_fuelresume=FF rev_limit=50 airden_ignore=62 config11=31 config12=30 config13=02 batt_cal=A5 fastidle=10 baro=64 dbaro=0C tps_low=00 tps_high=FF fan_temp=55 fan_hyst=09 fan_channel=FF iac_step_seq=D8 iac_conf=08 iac_max_steps=CC iac_tps_thres=01 iac_cold_idle_temp=BF iac_warm_idle_temp=C2 iac_cold_rpm=78 iac_warm_rpm=5A iac_cold_start_pos=75 iac_warm_start_pos=73 iac_afterstart_rpm=0F iac_afterstart_duration=50 iac_afterstart_steps=CC iac_kp=25 iac_ki=17 iac_kd=A0 iac_integral_speed=40 iac_integral_limit_dec=10 iac_integral_limit_inc=20 iac_integral_deadband=14 iac_deadband=0A iac_pid_conf=01 iac_overclose_interval=0A iac_ref_pos[0]=88 iac_ref_pos[1]=86 iac_ref_pos[2]=84 iac_ref_pos[3]=82 iac_ref_pos[4]=7E iac_ref_pos[5]=7C iac_ref_pos[6]=7A iac_ref_pos[7]=78 iac_ref_pos[8]=75 iac_ref_pos[9]=72 iac_sol_channel=FF iac_ign_advance_change=00 iac_ign_retard_change=00 iac_ign_advance_limit=00 iac_ign_retard_limit=00 iac_ign_threshold=10 ego_conf=00 ego_lag=05 ego_coolant=46 ego_maxtps=FF ego_maxmap=FF ego_minrpm=00 ego_maxrpm=FF ego_warmup=A0 ego_lean_limit=80 ego_rich_limit=80 ego_pid_kp=05 mt_unused=FF ego_delta=02 ego_target=19 ego_pid_window=FF wbo2_warmup_ramp=A0 wbo2_warmup_target=FF wbo2_abs_limit=E4 wbo2_limit_maxt=A0 wbo2_fallback=60 wbo2_retry_t=06 wbo2_edgetime_corr=BA wbo2_edgetime_min=50 wbo2_ri_target=96 wbo2_nernstdc_target=AA wbo2_pump_pw_zero=64 wbo2_calibration=AE wbo2_heater_pid_kp=46 wbo2_heater_pid_ki=10 wbo2_heater_pid_kd=1A wbo2_heater_pid_ilimit=80 wbo2_pump_pid_kp=40 wbo2_pump_pid_ki=2E wbo2_pump_pid_kd=08 wbo2_pump_pid_ilimit=84 wbo2_ri_confidence_scale=80 knock_conf=FF knock_sampling_window=FF knock1_frequency=FF knock1_gain=FF knock1_integrator=FF knock2_frequency=FF knock2_gain=FF knock2_integrator=FF knock_threshold=FF knock_noise_scale=FF knock_max_retard=FF knock_default_retard=FF knock_retard_step=FF knock_retard_delay=FF knock_advance_step=FF knock_advance_delay=FF knock_minrpm=FF knock_maxrpm=FF ve_learn_coolant=46 ve_learn_max_power=FF ve_learn_rpm_scale=30 ve_learn_kpa_scale=30 ve_learn_ego_scale=50 ve_learn_min_weight=0A ve_learn_speed=FF ve_learn_limit=FF ve_learn_conf=01 lcd_c0=FE lcd_delay=FF lcd_backlight=FF lcd_offs[0]=FF lcd_offs[1]=FF lcd_offs[2]=FF lcd_offs[3]=FF lcd_default_view=00 primary_trigger=01 secondary_trigger=02 tooth_wheel=23 trigger_tooth=00 another_trigger_tooth=12 crank_minper=50 tooth_wheel_twidth1=05 tooth_wheel_twidth2=0F cam_sync_r_edge_phase=FF cam_sync_f_edge_phase=FF reset_engphase_after=FF ign_tdcdelay=B2 ign_dwell14=32 ign_dwell6=6F ign_crank_advance=36 ign_out=70 ignchmax=01 engine_off_delay=03 pump_on_mintime=07 fuelpump_channel=57 inj_stage2_rate=FF inj_stage2_start_tps=FF inj_stage2_start_map=FF als_lowrpm=FF als_maxtps=FF als_ignretard=00 als_rich=00 misc1out_minrpm=FF misc1out_maxrpm=FF misc1out_mintps=FF misc1out_maxtps=FF misc1out_minmap=FF misc1out_maxmap=FF misc1out_channel=FF misc2out_minrpm=FF misc2out_maxrpm=FF misc2out_mintps=FF misc2out_maxtps=FF misc2out_minmap=FF misc2out_maxmap=FF misc2out_channel=FF act_wot_rpm=FF act_wot_channel=FF act_rpm_rpm=FF act_rpm_channel=FF egt1_cal=FF egt1_offs=FF boost_conf=FF boost_targetoffs=FF boost_minpressure=FF boost_pid_kp=FF boost_pid_ki=FF boost_pid_kd=FF boost_pid_ilimit=FF boost_channel=FF water_pump_temp=FF water_pump_hyst=FF water_pump_channel=FF hybrid_rpm_a=60 hybrid_rpm_m=60
j[0]=15 15 1B 2D 35 35 32 30 j[1]=15 15 1D 30 39 39 36 33 j[2]=15 15 20 34 3F 3F 3c 39 j[3]=15 15 22 38 43 43 40 3D j[4]=15 15 24 3B 46 46 43 40 j[5]=15 15 27 3F 4C 4C 48 44 j[6]=15 15 28 43 50 50 4C 48 j[7]=15 15 2A 46 53 53 4F 4B l[0]=45 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 l[1]=38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 l[2]=38 38 41 47 4F 4F 4F 4F l[3]=45 45 4F 59 59 59 59 59 l[4]=6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A l[5]=77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 l[6]=85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 l[7]=94 94 94 94 94 94 94 94 n[0]=50 3C 68 78 88 88 88 88 n[1]=50 46 68 78 88 88 88 88 n[2]=50 4F 60 70 78 79 78 78 n[3]=50 50 7A 6A 6C 6D 6C 6C n[4]=50 41 73 6A 65 64 64 64 n[5]=50 60 6A 81 64 63 5E 60 n[6]=50 5A 80 9A 5C 60 65 60 n[7]=50 70 83 A5 58 6C 64 64 k[0]=32 37 41 46 50 55 5F 64 r[0]=05 0A 14 1E 28 32 3C 46 h[0]=05 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 h[1]=00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 h[2]=00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 b[0]=05 0A 14 1E 28 32 3C 46 t[0]=05 0A 14 1E 28 32 3C 46
Why don't you half req_fuel=B4 and double j[] table ?
injocfuel=00 and injopen=3E sounds like swapped (this configures the nonrealistic step-function, see GenBoard/Manual/Config/InjectorOpening ). The only reason this didn't make tuning hard is that your idle pulsewidth apparently >2msec.
2006-02-20 Put up an adjusted config today. Took a lot of it from Samuel Linquists config since our engines has a lot in common. (Same injectors etc) Tables are not upgraded yet.