Create your own pages, starting from MembersPage and consider the following.
Professional way to perform an install:
- plan in advance
Use editable pages (this is essential) to collect relevant information.
- organize thematically to reflect up-to-date state (of install, knowledge, measurements)
- split a project to 3..9 subpages (and never mix different projects on the same page)
- use notebook or PC (not phone)
- find some relevant information (eg. VemsTune or [VT Help] and collect URLs
- take note of the planned or implemented details of the setup.
- wiring
- measurements (with circumstances, eg. pullup resistor value; temperature of NTC sensor, measurement device)
- config and vemslogs (always)
- InputTrigger/TriggerLog if possible or applicable
- refer to these pages in ANY technical request.
- Required for tech support. Otherwise optional.
In case of an issue, question, or something unexpected, all of the following must be provided:
- related to ... product (URL of products). SERIALNR ... (always provide)
- followed procedures (custom notes and URL of procedures)
- expected ... (behavior in own words)
- but instead experienced ... (symptoms, measurements, annotated logs)
- suspecting ... (thoughts that may or may not be final)