Rob Humphris - Cambridge, UK.
From a VEMS user:
"My LCD seems to have taken a s**t. It works fine for about 5 mins then the screen changes to loads of weird characters and jibberish. I turn off the car and restart and it works for 5 mins again, then does the same..."
He's running Version 1.0.23
Today the problem seems to have stopped, which is in its self rather worrying.
Mine does that too sometimes - it all comes back OK when I type the mli command.
see MembersPage/DavidBlades/FanTest for my notes on the problem.
Currently Developing
The closing times are also needed (it is the function of injector current and flyback voltage). The flyback voltage actually makes a huge difference.
The opening times are not (by far) enough to calculate GenBoard/Manual/Config/InjectorOpening parameters. You can start from other's values, make sure
- injopen=00 (or very very short for low-voltage flyback, max 100 usec)
- battfac=10 (256..700 usec is usually OK)
- injocfuel=2C (500..1200 usec usually)
- injrampup_battfac=FF (IIRC 4082 ... in MegaTune, it does not have a simple physical unit like "usec" or similar)
v3.2 Assembly documentation:
v3.2 How-to power-up a new board.
In an attempt to document my installation: