MembersPage/PeterSchneeberger/DaxRush/Questions (2005-02-19 16:57:38)

Software questions:

I had a search in WIKI to see what I need software wise for the firmware and tuning.

It is all a bid confusing for me. The parts I am certain is that I need Megatunix and the “translation” software to run it on Windows. To get a better grip, could you please point out the answers to the following questions:

Which software packages do I need to configure and tune the VEMS board gen 3.2 on a Windows computer?

A: I would recommend Bray Terminal and MegaTune. GenBoard/Manual/Firmware is the root for good info. The best route to take would be installing the latest version of MegaTune and following the directions on the MegaTune page, under Installing MegaTune for the newbie.

Is there a way to configure the board without doing it in the text files?

A: MegaTune allows you to edit just about everything you need to change after uploading the firmware. Which configurations are you asking about here?