Audi PnP Standart box aan/16082 no spark.
Marius Helmersen Norge
Audi S4 AAN.
Ecu installed but they have
- no spark while cranking.
- They have spark in test mode.
- They have stable Rpm reading
- They have Stable Rpm tachometer
- They have injectors firring while cranking.
- It is not in safety mode.
- Car runs with PnP BOX AAN 3742 (is box 3742 a jumper wire box or new pcb)
- Installed same config as the running box 3742
- Is box 3742 different from box 16082? could be that Ign. coils + is low at cranking and only high at ignition on.
Log of cranking the car.
Trigger log
Any ides why there is no spark?
Is there someone who can help Marius Helmersen in Norway or middel of Sweden, dealer, installer, retailer
- btw the most common reason is: SafetyMode
- VemsTune shows a big fat warning (and red flag) in that case, so usually noticed, but please check anyway. Very easy to upload full config (again) to fix it.
- another hint to check: VT version reasonably uptodate ? +Update ini files from web.
- maybe ordered v3/16082 with some special, eg. HALL/HALL input ?
The correct order of installation/testing
- is to test inputs, independently of outputs: with outputs disconnected, or disabled (removing fuses is easiest).
- including input-trigger(s), of course'''
Trigger voltage measurements
- primtrig-VR (crank 135 pulse) DC voltage ?
- same with both ECU-s ?
- sectrig crankhome-VR
- cam-HALL DC voltage ? (when lo and when high)
NEEDED: Config will be uploaded later.
- Good, because it seems either config is the problem (which can be reviewed when uploaded);
- or trigger input; which can be tested on site. (capture and publish triggerlog, see InputTrigger/TriggerLog )
- if no triggerlog pulses, disconnect the HALL sensor and insert temporary wire between GND and sectrig cam-HALL signal (assuming cam-HALL inverter, which is standard). => try again.
Car is also tested using box AAN 3742 and the car is running perfect.
- not a substitute for config and triggerlog, but useful info.
- note: the HALL of 3B can be outside the crankhome-VR, but not for the AAN. So not very likely in this case, esepecially if runs well.
- note: do the measured input trigger voltages (or better: waveforms) differ with the 2 ECU-s ?
- what OscilloScope is on-site ? (now obligatory).
Please make some ESD precautions, and follow install steps (including notes of verifications/measurement). Apparently running into more issues recently (of different kinds, that are difficult to link/relate, perhaps ESD or supply spikes, or some handling could be the common denominator - the probability that it is just luck falls exponentially after every issue ) than 10 other shops combined.
p259 outputs - suspect if VR inputs do not work.
- tachout works ? (eg. DC measurement, test mode; or other indication of p259 working well)
- anything else on p259 ?