MembersPage/PappIstvan (2010-07-17 12:26:53)

Primary Trigger

terheletlen feszültség: 2,85 V

1Kohm-os ellenállással 284 mV

a polaritás megfeleli

We concluded that p259 was likely damaged during the install

Output collision ! Change fuel pump output (now an injector channel is selected for it) to NOT collide with an injector !!! Use injgroup 4..7 (NOT 0..3 = A..D)

the p59 repaired sucessfully. but we dont have trigger signs.

anybody idea?

Trigger looks like 60-2 but REVERSED VR polarity! - there should be one long tooth *3 than appr previous time.

[full log]

Your VR trigger is apparently reversed ! (HU: forditott polaritásnak látszik. Azt mondtátok, megcsináltátok a multiméteres "csavarhúzó"-tesztet. Vagy mégsem ?).

We checked the polarity and it was correct but we will try to reverse the polararity tomorrow, and upload the new config file.

Thanks for your patients.

succeed, we have changed the polarity, we have tigger signs,spark and fuel, we are trying now the cold start.

(HU: pedig megcsináltuk a csavarhúzós tesztet, szerintem már fáradtak voltunk akkor este, mindenesetre igazad volt, meg kellett fordítani, köszi Marcell!)

The engine is running, we are programming the tables, we are on way...tonight i will upload the config! thx for all Marcell!