Primary Trigger
terheletlen feszültség: 2,85 V
1Kohm-os ellenállással 284 mV
a polaritás megfeleli
We concluded that p259 was likely damaged during the install
- p259 worked before (obviously tested before sendout, but output also worked in the field)
- p259 output (that was designated as fuel pump relay originally in this install) does NOT work now
- no RPM signal (bench shows RPM with same config)
Output collision ! Change fuel pump output (now an injector channel is selected for it) to NOT collide with an injector !!! Use injgroup 4..7 (NOT 0..3 = A..D)
the p59 repaired sucessfully. but we dont have trigger signs.
anybody idea?
- what firmware did you make the triggerlog with ? (VemsTune now needs the new updated triggerlog available since 1.1.76, and not compatible with old triggerlog format, eg. 1.0.x or 1.1.27)
- apparently not new firmware was used, had to use old method to analize:
- cat v3.3_n003213-2010-07- | perl /svn/firmware/firmware/branches/stable1_1/bin/ > v3.3_n003213-2010-07-
Trigger looks like 60-2 but REVERSED VR polarity! - there should be one long tooth *3 than appr previous time.
- (HU: például 891, 2676, 893, 895 jó lenne, de nektek 891, 1902, 1545, 851 van!)\n
1608 1242 0.98 1609 55812 0.94 1610 1213 0.97 1611 48389 0.86 1612 1157 0.95 1613 34052 0.7 1614 1083 0.93 1615 15108 0.44 1616 1011 0.93 1617 62212 4.11 MISSINGTOOTH 8 1618 958 0.94 1619 48643 0.78 1620 921 0.96 1621 39172 0.8 1622 891 0.96 1623 31495 0.8 1624 1902 2.13 MISSINGTOOTH 58 1625 28166 0.89 1626 1545 0.81 1395 1283 0.04 1396 851 0.55 1397 21251 16.56 MISSINGTOOTH 6 1398 856 1
Your VR trigger is apparently reversed ! (HU: forditott polaritásnak látszik. Azt mondtátok, megcsináltátok a multiméteres "csavarhúzó"-tesztet. Vagy mégsem ?).
- can you publish your uptodate .vemscfg ?
- You can use FileArea to upload files (where uploaded files can be downloaded without excess clicking).
We checked the polarity and it was correct but we will try to reverse the polararity tomorrow, and upload the new config file.
Thanks for your patients.
succeed, we have changed the polarity, we have tigger signs,spark and fuel, we are trying now the cold start.
(HU: pedig megcsináltuk a csavarhúzós tesztet, szerintem már fáradtak voltunk akkor este, mindenesetre igazad volt, meg kellett fordítani, köszi Marcell!)
The engine is running, we are programming the tables, we are on way...tonight i will upload the config! thx for all Marcell!
here is the config, it's not finally, we must set up many parameters. (HU:minden észrevételt szívesen fogadunk)
- Looking at it with Vemstune-20100308, it seems a total mess. It's hard to believe that the engine ran with these values. Are you sure this was the latest working config?
The engine is running, but it looks like 1 cylinder, dont sparking,(the engines running is lumpy on low endurance) we suspect it's, hardware problem, we have tested the cables, all ok, the coils to (with other 4 new coil) tomorrow i will buy new spark plugs, i hope that is the problem.
We have find the problem, the MAP sensors connection was in wrong place on the intake manifold(too close to the 4. cylinder), and the MAP signal was instable.
I have uploaded the new config. the question is, the primary triggers config is correct? i have problem, in static speed (60km/h and 110km/h) the engines running is a little bit lumpy, and the full chassis shaking, when i give more fuel, the problem ending, but i have 0.86-0.98 lambda, (when the engines running is lumpy, the injection time end the sparking time dont variating (static))