MembersPage/NicolasGobet (2015-01-01 07:00:00)

-- I NEED HELP PLEASE (updated 13 november 2006)

using information from Hans (thanks again), I was able to get power to the atmel.

BUT, I'm not yet able to communicate with the processor using serial cable.

What I know:

Here come the questions:


Hans: I don't know what was on the V3.1 board from the shop.. but try and see the 2, 3 and 4'th guides on this page:

Thanks for help


old stuff since here (solved problems)

using information from Hans (thanks again), I was able to get power to the atmel.

Looks like board is powered now!

BUT, I'm not yet able to communicate with the processor using serial cable.

Here is how pin are connected now:

I'm not sure I have the good pin layout as I'm using the v3.1 board. Could someone confirm that? (especially for the EC36, as I don't have any power on the atmel processor).

I would really appreciate to know if I'm right with the battery + connected to EC36-pin25. As I can see, this pin doesn't go further on the board. I mean, there is no track from where I soldered the cable.

-Yes, battery + (12V) should be connected to EC36-pin25, but see also the following link to see how to mount the power on board..Hans ..

Thanks a lot, I'll try this. Bus as I can see on the picture on the page from phattransmission, my board has not the same components. Of the inductor between 1 and 2 and the fuse link between A and B are missing, but other components are not on my board. Do I have more components than the 2 to solder? (I'm not talking about coil/injector drivers)

The inductor from Rescue kit1 marked 1R5 must be soldered Between A&B, and just a wire (short) betwen 1 and 2 if a fuse is mounted external. The inline diode and the voltageregulator (top-left corner of first pic) should bee mounted when you got the board. I think that is it, hope it helps. Hans

Battery is ok

My com port are working fine - tested with dos:

My serial cable is ok

What should I test next? I'm afraid I made a mistake...

-- Presentation

I've just started ooking seriously at Vems for my next engin/projet: a 63 beetle with porsche 915 tranny and type 4 supercharged engin - my next daily.

Pictures of my cars on this website (sorry, everything is in french) - take a quick look at the gallery