M117 5.6L 8cyl engine, Mercedes 560SEL model 1990 and 1991 (2 engines, 2 harnesses, theoretically of same specs)
Trying to assemble the puzzle... As I understand
- Ordered 2 kits from [Hendrik]
- The only problem we had when we install the kit is idling.
- originally both were running (with 1 or 4 ignoutputs ? 4 ignoutputs correct ?)
- ignition was changed from EC36/pin36 to EC36/pin11 while the engine was running => ECU damaged
- The other engine was also running, but idle was not tuned
- tuning the idle can be done locally, not by sending the ECU to another continent.
- [original harness.pdf] (might not be uptodate, see ignition)
Note: All ignition wires lack fuses (there is only 1 10A fuse in the whole harness, zzz... Not good, must be added).
Originally as in the pdf, later Changed to ... (information from Waleed, no EC36/pin.. reference)
Red is +12V.
- Yellow - ignition channel 1 (cylinders 1 and 6)
- Green - ignition channel 2 (cylinders 5 and 3)
- White - ignition channel 3 (cylinders 4 and 7)
- Blue - ignition channel 4 (cylinders 8 and 2)
Opel P/N - 1208065
- [original vemscfg] (ignition should be compared to above)
- do you happen to have running vemslog ? (when tuning idle, it makes sense to capture vemslog for later analysis)
- any validation errors ?
- suspicious things ?
- recommendations ?
Primary trigger: EC36/pin27 VR or HALL ?
Secondary trigger: EC36/pin13 HALL
Any triggerlog captured available for verification ?
- see FileArea to upload image, vemslog or zip files