MembersPage/MattiasSandgren/EricsVolvoTurbo (2006-06-04 23:53:56)

Eric Wiklunds Volvo 142 Turbo

This car shares a lot with Jonas car: MembersPage/MattiasSandgren/VolvoBtwenty

The same engine configuration, only this one is turbo-charged.


The two EGT inputs worked fine last year with older firmware (1.0.18 or 1.0.19) but don't seem to work after a firmware upgrade to 1.0.38. The symptom is that when a thermocouple is connected the temperature in MegaTune will display 0 with short spikes to what seems to multiples of 64 degrees at random intervals, about 1-2 times every second (this happens with nothing connected too). But... - If I put the thermocouple under a flame the temperature will stop fluttering and remain at 0.

The input on the MCP3208 measures analog voltages that are appropriate for the ambient temperature. Using the same thermocouple (measuring ambient temperature I get):

At the AD597 outputs

At the MCP3208 :

The measured voltages react in the expected way when the thermocouple is put under the flame (1.5 Volt ++), but this seems to be ignored.

Q: Is the MCP3208 fried? (I think not..)

Q: Or is there something I have forgotten to configure that has changed?

Q: What happened to the egt_ variables ? (Here is the [config file])

Q: Only one remains! Does it work for both channels?

After v3.1, the mcp3208 channels (4,5 IIRC) that belong to EGT1 and EGT2 were swapped. Maybe you had old firmware compiled with MCP3208_EGT1 ? What does MegaTune show ? (or manually, with terminalprogram view-hex mode, ManbyeAAA at offset 24,25 and 26,27 of the A command's reply)

Vital information! I have made the AREF modification by shorting with a piece of wire, and it works wonders for stability of analog inputs.

Genboard specific configuration

This is a v3.2 with production number 127.

Both triggers are configured for Hall.

Ignition outputs

00IGBT (Currently used to drive an MSD 6A)
04 SDA (PD1) - on JP1 connector (current default for AntiLagSystem)
05 SCL (PD0) - on JP1 connector
07Ground for SCL and SDA

EGT - only first input used.

LCD and PS2 - are brought through a DSUB25 as described here : GenBoard/BuildProcedures/LCDconnect

MAP - MPX4250AP 250kPa=2.5 bar (1.5 bar boost) using a push-in connector in the front plate.

Injector driver flyback - GenBoard/Manual/PowerFlyback