MembersPage/MattiasSandgren/BmwJonasMtenTurbo (2007-04-23 08:53:57)

Jonas Olhssons BMW 1602


Engine specification

Q: Can the Genboard v3.4 support two Honeywell GT1 sensors (fed from pin 28 +5V) ?

[Data sheet here]

Q: Can they be wired to +12V (same fuse as the Genboard) with no ill effects?

Q: In addition to the two Hall sensors we will be using three switches with 2.7 KOhm resistors as pull-ups to EC36-pin28 according to MembersPage/PhatBob/UserGuide. That's 2 mA per switch if all are active and a theoretical max of 50 mA current draw from the switches and Hall sensors. Is there anything to worry about in using EC36-pin28 for all these purposes?