MembersPage/MarcellGal/PowerAndTraction/SpeedoMeter (2007-05-26 15:16:43)

Subpage of MembersPage/MarcellGal/PowerAndTraction

It would be much easier to mount a round device and display precisely calibrated digital wheelspeed on it, than sorting out this mess around the speedo gauge.

I'm also thinking of lighting up a "stayaway" light (different color than the red shiftlight) in the speed ranges:

This would help prevent serious speeding while allowing some slight speeding.


I found the connector that should go to the transmission speedo output (we already have the backup lights hooked up properly and working ;-)

The 3pin female connector has

This matches the [DIAGRAMS/fig09.pdf instrument panel schematic] perfectly.

The speedo sender in the transmission

Maybe I have to hire a car-electrician to disassemble the instrument cluster, and do what [SJM] suggests. I've seen Scrambled Auto Check "OK" display recently, which is another symptom of instrument cluster solder-over-wear (Flash Gordon was there in silver underware).

Frequency signal to the brown-red pin2