MembersPage/KevinBlack/PorscheTurbo (2011-12-11 06:28:54)

Porsche 911 Turbo, 1989 model.

Flywheel tooth and flywheel pin

Supposedly is 132+1. (may actually be 129 teeth though)

I took a trigger log, but it only shows the primary trigger.

Trigger log:

The flywheel pin trigger is working (checked with scope for polarity)

'''trigger was set to missing tooth, is now set to coil type and

now I see an RPM signal, and I see "spark" in the trigger log.

ECU#4215 vr/vr trigger(auditrigger non camhall)

Tlywheel Tooth Trigger to EC36-27

Flywheel Pin Trigger to EC18-12