My plan is to make the RadioBoard to be real, look also VemsFrontier/Bluetooth
I got Volvo Amazon with B20.
What is currently working&tested firmware for older GenBoard/VerTwo?
- the latest tested for v2 is very old, around 2004.11.24
- Now I got v11 firmware working on GenBoard/VerTwo somehow, it wasn't using h[] for inj (on GenBoard/VerTwo), problem was secondary trigger. Maybe I'll table test STABLE1_0 with GenBoard/VerTwo. Also few lcd pages are blank with v11, but I'll get back to this (testing new firware on v2).
- I haven't used IAC with v2 but now I got bosch PWM controlled IAC in my hands. IAC takes ~1 amp, so L293 output (maybe 2 in parallel) would be good (should be fine, but make sure there is flyback diode and you disable stepper in config.stepper_conf).
- IAC stepper config bit disables pwm output at IDL output, so it disables digitalout() where I'll control the L293. But yes I'll disable stepper.
- There already are flyback if they are assembled, but did you mean that upper diodes should go to FLYBACK instead of +12v (+12v could be and in this case its fused)? Or is 1N4007 speed an issue, maybe not, but faster would be better (on injector flyback too)?
- digitalout in firmware is not fully implemented when compiled to GenBoard/VerTwo. However it seems very easy to switch on/OFF any output at the end of injector.c digitalout() function based on the value of "facility" and "valbit". (valbit most significant, 7th bit is ON/OFF).
- Yes, that was very easy, thanks!